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Thursday 18 August 2011

Using the Clean Setup for Creative thinking in difficult times

One charity finds a new application for our Clean Set-up. Local Authority cuts mean that this unique residential project, supporting older dependent drinkers with associated health problems to live in their own homes, needs to make a major switch away from reliance on local authority funding to explore other income streams.

One manager is supporting his staff team, already stretched to cover a broader workload with fewer staff, to self-model how they can contribute on a personal and project level, to the fundraising strategy of the wider organisation.

This is his unique take on the clean set-up: 


Using the tools learned at our session with Caitlin, please think about applying these to the issue of
fundraising at an individual, project or organisational level.

Please have a go at answering / thinking about the questions below for discussion at the meeting on
Friday and / or individual feedback over the next week.

a. For fundraising to go just the way I want, it will be like what?
b. For fundraising to be like A, you’d like to be like what?
c. What support do you need for you to be like B?

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