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Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Practical Applications from the Systemic Modelling DVD

Hi Cáitlín, I purchased your DVD when attending a 'clean' training with the Clean Change Co. I set it up with a slight variation on how you recommend in your small work-book which came with the DVD. I have used your set-up to great effect when coaching one to one. This was the first time I used it in a group. My challenge in preparing for the workshop was to make it accessible to all the group which included people with learning disabilities, people with physical disabilities as well as job coaches & carers from the various NGO's. Due to the diversity of participants I wanted to achieve as much 'buy-in' as possible so what better way to start than with that wonderful open question; 'For this workshop to go exactly the way you'd like it to go that would be like what?' This did not necessarily elicit that many metaphors but it did give me a clear sense of the over-all expectations of the group and specific expectations of individuals.These were listed by a scribe on the flip chart. I then followed with what I like to call the 'personal responsibility' question; 'And for the workshop to go like all of that (pointing to the flip-chart) you need to be like what?'
These responses were also flip charted. The third question; 'And for it to be like that (flip chart 1) and for you to be like that (flip chart 2) I need to be like what? These comments and suggestions were also flip charted. all there flip charts were blu-tacked to the wall in a prominent position. Through this process we collectively achieved expressed rather than assumed outcomes for the workshop. Interestingly we also had established ground rules simultaneously as we moved through the three questions of the 'clean' set-up.
It allowed a really sweet process to evolve as we worked together and furthermore provided a checklist for evaluation at the end of the session. Nice one Cáitlín and nice one Maurice! (link away)
Posted by Maurice Corrigan

Friday, 22 October 2010

hatching strategic plans

We're running ourselves through our own processes:
What's working
What's not working
What would we like to have happen now?
We're taking 'niggles' and turning them into learning and happiness (after arguing - getting it wrong - starting again - changing state - separating what's presented from inferred - getting cross again etc)
updating ourselves, our practise and our company until we're an example of the changes we'd like to see hear and feel in the world.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Dutch Models

Having a great time with Annemiek, Wendy, Maike, Joke and their friends/family and colleagues - their modelling skills makes training both Magical Spelling and Systemic Modeling an absolute pleasure. We can take it so much further when they're already so skilled.
They are so sharp - it's a training where I can easily learn as much if not more than I'm teaching.

We'll publish our Magical Spelling footage on and the systemic modelling stuff on this blog